martedì 11 giugno 2019

Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (1937) - Far Into The Forest [1080p]

Les Fleurs Animées (Pathé, France, 1906, Living Flowers)


L'École de Nancy, fleuron de l'Art nouveau en France

Alphonse Mucha : l’exposition

Emile Gallé: The Pioneer Who Put Poetry into Decorative Arts

Karl Blossfeldt Bio

Curator Introduction to Karl Blossfeldt

Kunstformen der Natur by Ernst Haeckel

Extract from Jean Painlevé How some Jellyfish are born 1960

Extract from Jean Painlevé The Seahorse 1934

Extract from Jean Painlevé Hyas and Stenorrynchus 1929

Man Ray: L'Étoile de mer (1928)

Stan Brakhage - "Mothlight" (1963) - The Flushing Remonstrance

Photographic Processes | The Calotype

Wlliam Henry Fox Talbot and the Invention of Photography

Introducing Charles Rennie Mackintosh: Making the Glasgow Style

藝苑掇英 Samuel Palmer 塞繆爾·帕爾默 (1805-1881) Romanticism British

Art in Context: Matthew Hargraves on "The Harvest Moon"

giovedì 6 giugno 2019

MetCollects—Episode 5 / 2019: Denise Allen on Max Klinger's Galatea

Fantasia (1940) Night on Bald Mountain (1/2)

Fastasia - Meet the Soundtrack

Fantasia - Dance Of The Sugarplum Fairy (Tchaikovsky) - Disney

fantasia walt disney's 1940 original movie part 1-with pegasus and their...


Thomas Wilfred - Master of light

15.Bill Ham.Liquid Light show Girl Geo Radio

Bill Ham Kinetic Painting Demonstration

The Truman Show - Bole Ending

Le carnet Noa Noa de Paul Gauguin

The Beatles - Yellow Submarine

The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby (From "Yellow Submarine")

Tomorrow Never Knows (Remastered 2009)

Aubrey Beardsley

Moreau Museum

Moreau e L’apparizione - L'immaginario inconscio e simbolico nella pittu...

Salomé (Trailer)

MAGRITTE, la trahison des images

Magritte, la trahison des images

Jean Cocteau - Blood of a Poet (1930) with Massive Attack - Paradise Cir...

Le Sang d'un poète - La traversée du miroir

Le Sang d'un Poète - La Chimératèque

Orphée (1950) // Bande-annonce HD (VFSTA)

Pink Floyd - Let There Be More Light